Organisation Europeenne pour les Recherches Chimiosensorielles (ECRO)
European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO)
Non-profit French Association (law of 1st July 1901, article 5; decree of 16 August 1901, article 2) registered at the Police Prefecture of Paris 21st January 1971, RNa Number W751025356, SIREN-SIRET 832 763 536 00014. Registered Address: 11 place Marcelin Berthelot, 75005 Paris , France
ECRO was inaugurated in 1970 at the International Summer Course on Odour Perception, in Utrecht, with the aim of promoting and coordinating research in chemoreception.
It was officially registered in Paris in 1971 and although it began as a European venture, it now has members from outside Europe and sees its function as world-wide. The goal of ECRO is to
promote fundamental and applied research in chemosensory sciences, especially olfaction and taste. ECRO is financed by individual member subscriptions and by donations from industry and
research institutions.Since 1978 ECRO has been affiliated with UNESCO.