ISOT 2024 – The International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste

Sat 22. - Wed 26. June 2024

Reykjavik, Iceland

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The  International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, or shortly “ISOT”, convenes every four years and unites the chemosensory research communities in Europe (European Chemoreception Research Organization; ECRO), Japan (The Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell; JASTS), and North America (Association for Chemoreception Sciences;  AChemS). The first ISOT meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1962. The meeting rotates since 1986 every 4 years between sites in Europe, Japan, and the USA. At the ISOT meeting scientist of all continents discuss the latest chemosensory research. - See more information under the tab Meetings

ISOT 2024 Program Chairs:

Bill Hansson
Bill Hansson
Peter Mombaerts
Peter Mombaerts
Iceland; photo: Peter Mombaerts
Iceland; photo: Peter Mombaerts

Registration fee - currency converter

ISK --> Euro, Dollar, Yen


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Reykjavik, Iceland; photo: Peter Mombaerts
Reykjavik, Iceland; photo: Peter Mombaerts